Protect high value tools, materials, fixings and equipment on site

Our Armorgard range is designed to frustrate the most determined thief. They are constructed from robust steel plate for maximum performance and durability.
Building and construction sites are often natural targets for thieves as they generally contain a lot of high value tools, materials, fixings and other equipment. If effective security measures aren’t in place then these can be easy pickings for criminals. Security issues can often differ from site to site as they are dependent on a sites’ nature, size and location.
Providing effective security can be challenging since sites are constantly in a state of development with changes to their physical nature, the people on them, plus the materials and tools being used. These changes can allow for opportunistic thieves to take advantage of an unprotected site to make a quick profit.

Our range of Armorgard products are known in the industry for their quality. Constructed from robust steel plate with a powder coating they offer maximum performance and durability.
They are manoeuvrable which makes them ideal for subcontractors undertaking work across a site.
Download our: Armorgard Range Flyer
Built to a rigorous specification they set the industry benchmark whilst also delivering outstanding value for money. For example, the TuffBank range is designed to frustrate the most determined thief with their 3mm steel lid, 2mm steel body and anti-theft features they provide insurance approved security to protect tools and materials stored on site.
Our Armorgard range will help deter and delay thieves, providing effective security especially when combined with other site security measures such as fences, locks, CCTV, security guards, alarms and lighting. After all deterrent is the best form of protection but any methods that also slow the action of criminals, increase the chances of them being caught in the act!
View our Armorgard Site Security and Storage Range
If you’d like to discuss the possibility of hire purchase or loan of a Armorgard Fitting Store or Site Box for the duration of a project, then please get in touch as we’d be happy to discuss potential opportunities. We also offer the option to include your own branding to easily identify your chosen secure storage unit.
For further details contact our team on 01322 274226 or [email protected]